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10 nation common Visa

ASEAN 10 nation common Visa

ASEAN 10 nation common Visa, a world power has emerged in the past decade: it is called ASEAN, or Association of Southeast Asian Nations. The combined population of ASEAN’s 10 member countries exceeds 600 million, making it the third largest market in the world. If the region were a country, it would be the seventh largest economy in the world.

But what is the use of creating regional groups? Are nations stronger together than apart?

The growth and stability of ASEAN has made it a major destination for investors and multinational corporations. It is burgeoning middle class is also an attraction. Nielsen, a market research firm, predicts the region’s middle-income class will reach 426 million by 2021. This is up from 190 million in 2012.

The 10 ASEAN countries have come together to deepen political and economic alliances. Strengthen cooperation and promote economic growth and social progress. But creating the ASEAN Economic Community has been a success on multiple fronts. There is still much to be done in travel for the safety and smooth movement of people.

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Providing a common ASEAN 10 nation common Visa for tourists and business travelers will require all 10 ASEAN countries to implement joint policies. Adopt common procedures, as well as harmonize documentation and data standards.

ASEAN 10 nation common Visa

Philippines Travel Guide, 10 nation common Visa

An amazing opportunity
To understand why visas in regions, such as Schengen and ASEAN, are so important. We need to recognize the value of tourism in countries around the world. Understand how people’s travel patterns have developed.
In ASEAN, tourism accounts for 13.0% of GDP. This is almost 10.5% of world’s GDP. The region aims to increase the industry’s share of GDP to 15% by 2025. So how does ASEAN increase its international tourist arrivals from the 105.5 million tourists it received in 2015? One answer stands out: make it easier.

Today’s travelers want a seamless experience. Those traveling from afar may also want to visit multiple countries in the region. The ASEAN 10 nation common Visa is diverse and offers so many unique experiences. It’s a shame to hide them behind strict travel restrictions. Few travelers today will queue at 10 different embassies to get 10 different visas. A process like this can deter travel in the area.

According to research by the World Tourism Organization and the World Travel and Tourism Council. ASEAN 10 nation common Visa could see an increase of 7 to 11 million international tourists due to better travel convenience. This revenue could reach $12.5 billion, and the jobs created maybe between 334,000 and 655,000. The implication is clear: With a common visa, ASEAN 10 nation common Visa will be more connected and tourism will grow. This will create jobs, boost growth and reduce poverty.

Photo by mana5280 on Unsplash





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